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Support Center

Weekday Non-profits and charities

(Meeting needs of the BODY)

Based upon meeting the human needs in Matthew 25:35... 

"I was hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, in prison and a stranger...
and you cared for me!"
I was HUNGRY...
you gave me something to eat.
Good Neighbor Center

Grocery & Food Ministry, 

Monday 1-3,

Wednesday & Friday 10-12, 1-3

you gave me a drink.
Spiritual Center

Over one dozen congregations and ministers quenching spiritual thirsts.

I was NAKED...
and you clothed me.
Brother’s Keeper

Clothes Closet and Food Pantry

I was SICK...
and you cared for me.
Community Free Clinics
  • UCSD Free Medical and Dental Clinics, Tuesdays 1-5

  • Cal-State San Marcos School of Nursing, 
    Thursdays 1:00-6:00

I was in PRISON...
and you came to me.
Prison Ministries
  • Gambling Recovery Ministry to recovering gamblers & their families

  • 12 Step AA and NA Programs

  • Immigrants in Detention

I was a STRANGER...
and you took me in.
Welcome Home Ministry

Providing temporary emergency shelter for refugees, immigrants, asylum seekers, families broken by deportation or detention

Christ Ministry Center (UMC)

3295 Meade Ave-San Diego CA 92116


a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

donations are tax deductible

2016 Recipient 

Amnesty International

Digna Ochoa 

Human Rights Defender Award

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